I recently bought a GK Legacy 112 combo as an upgrade from my Ampeg Rocket combo. when I bought my Ampeg I also bought it's cover and though that was a great decision, but GK doesn't sell covers for it's amps. Fortunately I quickly found Custom Amp Covers and found not only a reasonably priced cover, but one with Options! I ended up getting white piping and a side pocket on mine, and it's snazzy! the pocket is big enough for the power cable, a couple instrument cables, setlists, that kind of thing. The fit is perfect, snug, but not too snug, and it protects my shiny new amp from all the scratches and dings you expect from getting knocked around from gig to gig. I liked the cover enough that I've ordered a custom cover for the old 16 track 1" machine we're using to record our first album!